Is low iron robbing your child of quality sleep?

Did you know that low iron levels can dramatically impact your little one’s sleep? It seems like something completely unrelated, but it’s one of the most common underlying causes of sleep struggles I see in children. 

It really isn’t all that difficult for a child to become low in iron or to struggle with building their iron levels up (particularly for our less adventurous eaters!), so rest assured you’re not alone if you suspect or confirm that your child’s iron levels are less than optimal.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says the prevalence of anaemia in the under five years age group in Australia is 13.3 per cent.

But, the great news is that with so many of the families I work with who address it, they see their child’s sleep and general wellbeing greatly improve. And often without having to make any other changes. Yay!

Let’s jump into how iron can impact sleep, how to determine if your child has low levels, and what you can do about it…even if you have a picky eater!

Little one not sleeping

The link between iron levels and sleep

The link between iron and sleep

Iron deficiency can disrupt the production of neurotransmitters involved in sleep regulation, such as dopamine and serotonin. This disruption can result in:

  • Trouble falling asleep

  • Frequent awakenings during the night

  • Restlessness, and in particular, restless legs

  • Overall poor sleep quality

  • Obstructive sleep apnea

(Source: PubMed)

More signs of low iron in children

  • Fatigue and lack of energy

  • Pale skin

  • Irritability

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Poor appetite

  • Pica (a condition in which a child repeatedly eats non-food items, including dirt, chalk, and paper )

(Source: Nutrition Australia)

Little ones who are at risk of low iron

  • If you had low iron during pregnancy or postpartum.

  • Low birth weight or premature bub.

  • Excess consumption of cow’s milk as it can inhibit iron absorption and also fill your little one up so that they’re not getting enough nutrients through food sources.

  • Inadequate nutrient intake (many picky eaters prefer the white foods and eat limited protein and veggies). 

  • Low meat consumption, or a vegetarian/vegan diet.

  • Late introduction of solids.

  • Gut issues and inflammation, which might occur in children with food sensitivities and intolerances, or parasitic infections, for example. 

How to identify an iron deficiency in children

The only way to diagnose an iron deficiency is through a full iron study via a blood test. It’s straightforward, but some parents are reluctant to go through with it. 

Tip: As a vegetarian myself, I routinely have blood tests and I always take my children with me to expose them to and normalise the process. Fortunately I don’t have a fear of needles, so the experience is a positive one for them to witness. I probably wouldn’t recommend taking them if you’re terrified of needles!

If you prefer not to go ahead with a blood test, but you suspect your child has an iron deficiency because they’re displaying some of the signs, or they fit into the at-risk category (for example, your child is a fussy eater, consumes a lot of cow’s milk, and you had low iron postpartum), you can treat it through their diet. 

What about supplements?

If your child has a blood test and their doctor diagnoses them with low iron, then they may recommend a supplement. However, the supplements GPs and paediatricians recommend are often less than ideal when it comes to absorbability (and can be loaded with sugar and artificial additives). They can also lead to constipation and other tummy troubles. 

Instead, it’s recommended that you take your child’s blood test results to a naturopath or nutritionist to be prescribed the best quality supplement for your child.

The course of treatment depends on whether a child has an intake issue or an absorbability problem, but your practitioner can support you with that. 

Always consult with a healthcare professional before supplementing with iron. Too much iron can have serious side effects, and even be fatal to children.  

(Source: PubMed)

How to treat and prevent iron deficiency

Preventing iron deficiency starts when you introduce solids…

The 6-12 month period is an important time to offer your baby iron-rich foods. Babies are born with enough iron stores to last them for 6 months. After that they need to eat plenty of iron-rich foods to maintain those levels and meet their rapid developmental needs.

Babies need lots of iron-rich foods from 6 months

Which foods are richest in iron?

Iron-fortified foods are okay, but as it’s a synthetic form of iron, it’s best to go for the iron-rich whole foods in the following list (which has been analysed and adapted for babies by the food and feeding experts, doctors, and mamas at Solid Starts) in order starting with the most iron:

  1. Chicken liver

  2. Venison

  3. Lentils

  4. Cannellini beans

  5. Navy beans

  6. Black beans

  7. Pumpkin seed butter

  8. Tahini

  9. Goat meat

  10. Hemp seeds

  11. Black eye peas

  12. Beef liver

  13. Kidney, lima, and pinto beans

  14. Edamame

  15. Sardines

  16. Cashew butter

  17. Tofu

  18. Beef

  19. Lamb

  20. Mackerel

Isn’t it interesting that some legumes and seeds contain more iron than beef and lamb? However, iron from animal sources (haem iron) is much more easily absorbed by the body compared to iron from plant-based foods (non-haem iron).

Some great ways to offer these foods

We ideally don’t want to be hiding ingredients in meals, but sometimes needs must when it comes to optimising their health. Here are some food ideas and tips to getting more iron into each meal (even for the picky eaters):

  • If your child eats beef bolognese, add in a small amount of chicken liver or beef liver and lentils (they won’t notice if it’s in the sauce and blended up!). See the recipe here from One Handed Cooks

  • Little ones love a dip! Make a chicken liver pate (here’s a simple 3 ingredient recipe from Blooming Motherhood) or chickpea hummus (this recipe from My Kids Lick the Bowl is suitable for babies) to offer with their crackers and veggie sticks.

  • Add nuts, seeds, spinach, and even silken tofu to smoothies, starting with a teaspoon and gradually building it up so they don’t notice. Here’s a yummy recipe from The Wholefood Collective that my kids love!

  • There are lots of yummy bliss ball recipes that include oats, nuts, and seeds. Here’s an example of a kid-friendly recipe from Yummy Toddler Food

  • For baked goodies, you can add chickpeas to cakes, cookies, brownies, and muffins. Tap on the links for delicious, nourishing, and easy recipes!

To help with iron absorption

To help your child absorb more iron from their diet, you can pair these foods with those rich in vitamin C, such as red and yellow capsicum, broccoli, kale, oranges, carrots, sweet potato, plus leafy greens.

Probiotics can also help with absorption, but not just any will do. There is a particular strain that is recommended to support iron absorption, so it’s best to seek advice from a naturopath.

The holistic approach to sleep

When I work with families, I conduct a thorough holistic assessment through a comprehensive questionnaire and consultation. If I suspect low iron levels are at play when it comes to sleep challenges in children, it isn’t always the only underlying cause. It often goes hand-in-hand with other issues, which is why it’s important to look at the full picture when it comes to sleep. 

If you’d like to find out more about working with me, you can book a free 15-minute sleep discovery call, either by emailing me at or by popping a convenient time in my calendar here

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informative purposes only and does not replace the advice of professional nutritional support. Always consult with a healthcare provider or a nutritionist for personalized advice and guidance regarding your child's health and dietary needs.


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