Guest post from Cinta Rymer: 10 Evening Snack Ideas for Toddlers and Young Children to Support a Good Night’s Sleep

Toddler eating evening snack to support sleep

If your little one is restless at night or waking frequently, have you considered hunger as the culprit behind this? A rumbling tummy is one of the key reasons that toddlers and children wake overnight – I mean, they’re incredibly active during the day and they often don’t consume a huge amount of food at the evening meal. The good news is there’s a really simple strategy that might make for a more restful night of sleep – introducing an evening snack.  

Now, before you run off and start ripping snacks out of the pantry in desperation, I want to provide you with a few simple guidelines for introducing an evening snack:

  • The evening snack isn’t a dinner replacement. There should be at least 90 minutes between dinner and the evening snack. Any less than this, and your child may begin to refuse their dinner to hold out for something more appealing.

  • It doesn’t need to be exciting. In fact, keeping it simple is better and helps avoid dinner refusal.

  • Be mindful if your child begins to feign hunger at bedtime as a delaying tactic. Offer the snack at the beginning of bedtime routine rather than the end, when the delaying tactics really tend to show up.

  • Avoid simple carbs and added sugars such as white bread, chocolate or biscuits which can cause a rapid blood sugar peak, leaving your child hungry again in a couple of hours. Offering sugary foods is also a surefire way to encourage them to skip dinner and look forward to the evening snack!

The best snack options to support sleep are rich in protein, low GI carbohydrates and healthy fats to help keep toddlers full and stabilize their blood sugar levels. So, here’s my top ten wholesome evening snack ideas that are perfect for toddlers and conducive to a good night's sleep.

1. Greek Yogurt with Nut Butter

A small bowl of plain Greek yogurt drizzled with almond or peanut butter makes for a creamy, protein-packed snack. You can add a sprinkle of cinnamon or a few banana slices for extra flavour and nutrients.

2. Cottage Cheese with Fruit

Cottage cheese is high in casein protein, which digests slowly and keeps little tummies satisfied. You can serve it with berries, or even a drizzle of honey (for toddlers over 1 year) to enhance the taste.

3. Hummus with Whole Grain Crackers

Hummus is a wonderful snack offering protein and healthy fats. Pair it with whole grain crackers or cut-up veggies like cucumbers or carrot sticks.

4. Avocado Toast

Spread ripe avocado on a slice of whole grain toast. Avocados are packed with healthy fats and fibre, making this a nutrient-dense snack. You can even top it with a sprinkle of hemp seeds for added crunch and nutrition.

5. Nut Butter Banana Bites

Slice a banana and spread a thin layer of almond or peanut butter between two slices for a cute mini sandwich. The combination of potassium from the banana and healthy fats from the nut butter supports a calm bedtime.

6. Mini Quiches

If you’ve got the time available for a bit of snack prep, mini quiches made in a muffin tray can make a great snack that you can store in the freezer. Simply whisk eggs, pour them into muffin tins, add in your favourite chopped veggies and some cheese, and bake. I like to add capsicum, mushroom and black beans to mine!

7. Oatmeal with Chia Seeds

Prepare a small bowl of oatmeal and stir in some chia seeds for an extra protein boost. 

8. Peanut Butter on Just About Anything

Peanut Butter is a great option as it offers protein and fats together. You can offer it on wholemeal toast, wholegrain rice cakes or even a sliced apple for something super quick and simple.

9. Frozen Yoghurt Bark

Spread a layer of Greek yoghurt on baking paper on a tray, and sprinkle with chopped nuts and berries. Pop it in the freezer until it’s solid and then break off pieces to serve. 

10. A Good Old-fashion Cup of Milk

Milk is rich in protein whilst also containing tryptophan – an amino acid that can promote relaxation and sleepiness and support the production of melatonin in the body. Whilst milk can be a snack in its own right, you can also consider offering it alongside one of the snack ideas listed above. 

A quick guide for creating your own snack ideas

The ideal snack will contain a combination of Low GI Carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats. To help you come up with your own snacks, mix and match from the list below to build bedtime snacks that support good sleep.

Low GI Carbohydrates

Wholegrain bread and crackers

Fruit (berries, pears, peaches, apples and grapes are all good options)

Wholegrain cereals (i.e. rolled oats or muesli)

Vegetables (carrot sticks, sliced capsicum, cucumber)


Nut butters



Meat, chicken and fish

Healthy Fats





Melatonin-rich Foods

Melatonin is a natural hormone that may support sleep. Our bodies make it naturally; however, some foods contain higher levels of melatonin and so they may be worth incorporating to get the most out of your evening snack. Eggs, grapes, strawberries, capsicum, mushroom and oats are all good sources of melatonin.

After Snacktime, it’s on to the Bedtime Routine

It’s important to maintain your child’s bedtime routine after they’ve had their snack, which should provide at least 30 minutes to digest their food before they hop into bed. 

While an evening snack is by no means a silver bullet for wonderful sleep, by offering these nutritious evening snack, you can certainly support your toddler’s sleep health while ensuring they’re getting the nourishment they need. Sweet dreams!

Cinta Rymer is a nutritionist, mum of 2 and founder of Just Nourish. Cinta has a deep passion for all things food and believes that good nutrition extends beyond the vitamins and minerals we consume to also embody healthy relationships with food and positive food attitudes. She seeks to educate and support parents to develop the next generation of well-nourished, adventurous eaters. You can find out more at Just Nourish.

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